ISo that I have decided to go GWD, over Runecrafting for a Zammy or Bandos Godsword, because many of you advised me that proceed GWD, so that's what I'll do. To begin with I need a staff, if anyof you have one tell me, anyways so here are my stats or that I will have when prepared, Atk- 80(will be getting), Str-80, Def-78, Range- 63, Mage-82, Prayer-61. I will probably be meleeing the BANDOS BOSS but don't have any idea what to take, if anybody knows few written guides tell me plz since I have observed different armors in vids, such as verac or torag.
So can you tell me what should I best take, which armour? I've btw about 7mil with things at this time. Also I heard I need to be wearing particular god items, whats that all about? And what would be the rare fall speeds if any for your supervisors? Also a very big problem on weekdays on morning I will get online on RS for ceratin FOR 1 HOUR, and varying likely about 6-8 hours a WEEK BUT probably 1 hour or little more everytime I log in, therefore WILL this really is a issue for me?? And that I might need to log out in the middle.
Hi, I've some stuff that require some help with. My big brother Metalkon could not help me tonight since he was out since we had supper. Here's the tiny notepad thing I made for the things I need alot of help with: 1. The Sailor-he's to the shore, and he needs a ballad composed. 2. The Bard-he wants some new boots to write the ballad. 3.Yrsa-she possesses the clothes store southwest of the sailor, and she wants taxes reduced in exchange for the boots. 4. Brundt- he needs the tribe to understand of Sigli's hunting grounds. 5. Sigli- he's just south of the pub, and he needs a balanced bowstring.
6. Skulgrimen- he's in the building to the north of this bar, and desires a rare fish. 7. Fisherman- he's to the shore, and he wants a key map of the very best fishing spots. 8. Swensen- he can be found only south of the market, and he needs a weather forecast. 9. Peer- he is a short distance shore, and he needs a bodyguard. 10. Thorvald- he is in the construction north of the bar, and he wants a place in the Champion's Table. 11. Manni- that he wants the Barkeep's epic cocktail. 12. Thora- she needs Askeladden to sign a contract to keep out of the bar. 13. Askeladden- that will sign a contract for 5,000gp. Help me . Please?
Hey, First of all hi to everyone, I'm brand new to the forum but not new to this match. I have been away for some time now demanding. I only started this week in my f2p account. Well. Here's my point: First I would like to get my mage lvl up, I am 55 now. I have some mils in bank so I figured I could do this, several times copying and attempt to find balance between mage lvling and money.
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