From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at a story about an ows the Hero's Journey template...
? Fade in: Introduce context [Henry et al hear the sound of Billy Bats in the trunk of the car and shoot him some more].
? Hero's motivations for embarking on the journey.
? Introduce the antagonism supernatural aid [Pauly et al].
? Rewards of the journey [?I was the luckiest kid in the world.?]
? Interdiction [Henry's Dad beats him for not going to school ? hanging around the cab stand].
? Overcoming the interdiction [the postman gets beaten up].
? Introduce supernatural aid mentor [Pauly].
? Benefits of embarking on the adventure [?at thirteen I was making more money than the grown ups in the neighborhood?].
? Consciously agreeing to the journey [Henry dressed in gangster gear].
? Still a lot to learn [Henry cleans up after the guy who is shot]..
? Supernatural aid introduces the hero to the Shape Shifter [Jimmy]. We learn about the Shape Shifter.
? Introduce Dangerous Joker [Tommy].
? Threshold Guardian [Henry gets caught].
? Warning of the new rules before entering the First Threshold [?never rat on your friends?].
? Crossing the First Threshold [?you broke your cherry'].
? Introducing the World of the First Threshold [we learn about the airport?].
? Meeting new creatures that inhabit this world [Jimmy Two-Times Zach Gentry Inverted Jersey , Franky the Wop, Freddy No-Nose et al].
? The descent ? the security guard tells Henry and Jimmy about the money coming in at the airport.
? Getting to know the Joker [we get to know Tommy's personality - dangerous].
? Trial [Tommy breaks a bottle over the restaurant owners head].
? Supernatural aid leads the hero into the Belly of the Whale [Pauly becomes a partner in the restaurant].
? Belly of the Whale. Physical separation from the First Threshold [the restaurant blows up].
? Pulled into the Road of Trials [Tommy forces Henry to the double date].
? Resistance to the Road of Trials [Henry not interested in on the date].
? Overcoming resistance [Karen convinces Henry to date her].
? The Rewards of the Adventure [Henry takes Karen to the restaurant where he spends a lot of money and receives major respect]. Smiles [at the comedian] reflect the pleasure of the reward. Karen impressed with Henry's connections.
? Trial [The Air France robbery at the airport]. They give Pauly his share.
? Trial. Henry meets Bruce on the cruise. Then beats him up with a gun.
? Trial. Henry helps Jimmy get the money off Morie.
? Celebration of the success of the Road of Trials [wedding and gifts].
? Warning against the Ordeal [Karen's parents warn her against Henry and his friends].
? More warnings against the Ordeal [Karen meets the wives].
? Karen questions the wisdom of the Ordeal ['she doesn't know if she could live like that.?] Henry convinces her.
? Acceptance of the Ordeal [Karen thinks nothing of letting the detectives look around her apartment, convinces herself that the Goodfellas are her family].
? The Reward for embarking on the Ordeal [The clothes Justin Layne Inverted Jersey , the money, Karen gets some money and Henry a blow job].
? Significant antagonism. Foreshadow set up of the downfall .[Tommy kills Billy Bats].
? Rest Break ? Henry et al at Tommy's mother's house ['the hoof.?]
? Significance of the antagonism [Billy Bats is a made guy].
? Journey to the Goddess [Henry's ideal is a harem; we meet the girlfriends].
? The antagonism enhanced. Pauly asks Henry about Billy Bats.
? Significance of the antagonism enhanced ? Henry et al dig up Billy Bats.
? Threshold Guardians of the Goddess overcome [Janet's boss].
? Meeting with the Goddess [the apartment for the girlfriends].
? Descent . The Joker [Tommy shoots Spider in the foot; Tommy kills Spider].
? Karen and Henry argue ? she knows he's got a girlfriend. Karen visits the girlfriend in her apartment. Karen points a gun at Henry.
? Sent to seize the Sword [Pauly and Jimmy visit Henry].
? Seizing the Sword ? Henry et al in Florida.
? Woman as Temptress [the sister working as a typist for the FBI informs on them].
? Night Sea Journey. Henry journeys to jail.
? The World of the Belly of the Ordeal [Henry Diontae Johnson Inverted Jersey , Pauly et al in prison, cooking; they bribe the guards; the life down there].
? Near death experience [Henry can only survive in prison by dealing drugs. Karen has no money]. Danger [in case Pauly finds out].
? Escape from the Belly of the Ordeal [Henry gets out and tells Karen to look for a new house].
? Atonement with the Father [Pauly warns Henry about dealing drugs]. Warnings [Pauly warns Henry against Jimmy and Tommy].
? Going against the Father. Henry deals drugs and gets involved with Tommy and Jimmy again.
? Reward (for seizing the sword and countering the father)[Karen shows off the new house].
? Morie sets up the Lufthansa heist. Karen Devin Bush Inverted Jersey , the babysitter et al involved with the drugs. The Lufthansa heist is a success.
? Punishment for countering the father. Things begin to go awry. Return of the Cadillac and the fur coat. Jimmy refuses to give Morie his money.
? Rewards for countering the Father [Henry buys the Christmas Tree].
? The Fall. They shoot Stax. Tommy is set up for the assassination. Morie hassles Jimmy. Henry realizes the nature of the Shape Shifter [Jimmy is going to kill everybody]. Jimmy kills Moiree. Panic [Morie's wife panicked]. Pursued [Jimmy knocks on the FBI car window]. Death of all the allies [Carbone et al]. Tommy gets assassinated.