Not only do you get immediate gratification with the buy now-pay later plastic, but now, many credit cards offer rewards and incentives for using their card to make purchases. You can get cash back, or gift cards cheap air max plus , or 'reward points' that you can spend on merchandise or services from various merchants. There are also cards that allow you to designate your 'cash back' points to a charity ? sometimes called affinity cards ? and those that put your cash back into a special savings account for college.
Great deal, right? You spend your money and get something in return. The catch is, of course, that you're paying interest and card fees to get your cash back rewards. But if you're going to be using the credit card anyway cheap air max tn , you might as well get something back out of it, right?
Most cash-back cards give you 1-2% cash back on most of your purchases. You'll get a check at specified periods for the amount of your 'rewards cash'. You can cash the check and spend the money on anything you want.
Reward cards give you 1-5 reward points for every dollar that you spend at different merchants and types of merchants. Most pay you 5 reward points for purchases made at their 'Merchant Thank You' network, and for purchases made at gas stations, drug stores and supermarkets. You'll get 1 reward point for every dollar that you spend at other merchants. You can then redeem your reward points for particular items from the merchants that belong to the credit card's merchant network.
Which is the better choice?
Each kind of credit card reward has its own pros and cons cheap air max 270 , and the better choice depends on what's most important to you.
Cash-back Rewards ? Pros
Cash can be used anywhere, for any kind of purchase. Gives 1% - 2% cash back on all purchases.
Cash-back Rewards ? Cons
Rewards points cards may give rewards of higher value, particularly for purchases at merchant networks stores, gas stations and supermarkets. Cash-back can only be used when a check is issued.
Rewards Points ? Pros
Rewards points are often higher value than cash-back. If you use the credit card for purchases made within the merchant member network cheap air max 95 , you can get as much as 5% value back when you spend your reward points.
Reward points are available to use on a rolling basis. Some card companies may require you to accumulate a certain number of rewards points before redeeming them, but reward point rewards are often more easily available than cash-back rewards. Reward points can be used for cash rewards in some circumstances.
Reward Points ? Cons
Reward points can only be redeemed from particular merchants andor on particular merchandise.
Whichever your choice, it makes good sense to get something back when you choose to use credit. If you're a frequent credit card user, the rewards can certainly add up. Among the merchants that belong to various Merchant Member networks are such well-known companies as airlines cheap air max 97 , Saks Fifth Avenue, Evelyn & Crabtree and Smarter Edge.
Joseph Kenny is the webmaster of the credit card comparison sites Credit Cards Info and also Credit Cards 121 Radio Control Helicopter ? Ideal to Gift Your Kids and Make them Exciting Technology Articles | December 15, 2011 Our little ones are very important to us. We do everything to make them happy. We like to keep them happy and would like to deliver greatest gift for them, especially toys. There are various choices w...
Our little ones are very important to us. We do everything to make them happy. We like to keep them happy and would like to deliver greatest gift for them cheap air max 90 , especially toys. There are various choices when considering gifting, but nothing can match with a radio control helicopter. These RC helicopters are toys with high technology. Radio signals are used to control its flight and directions. Hence, these choppers are truly entertaining kids, and they are fantastic toys. Not only kids but also elders can have tremendous fun through these helicopters.? These helicopters can be found easily from the market. They are available in different models cheap air max shoes , sizes and prices. Radio control helicopter Flying ranges may vary according to their power. ?Also, these helicopters come under different brand names. Selecting the superb quality RC helicopter will give much excitement to your kid and to you.
A radio control helicopter is a dreamy toy of any kid. You can fly this tiny helicopter both inside your house and the outside. These helicopters can be divided into few categories based on their operation complexity. 3 channel radio control helicopter is the basic level and it can be flow by anyone easily. Those helicopters are usually used for indoor flying. 4 channel RC helicopter is the next level and its controlling are bit complicated. 6 channel RC helicopter is the highest level and it needs more intelligence, knowledge and the practice to control. They are ideal for outdoor flying activities.